September 28, 2016

Juicing for Cancer - Pomegranates Kill Cancer Cells

Pomegranates benefit your body in incredible ways. This fruit has all types of healing effects. Here are some benefits you'll receive if you consume pomegranates on a regular basis!

  • Protects Kidneys
  • Protects an Regenerates the Liver
  • Kills Free Radicals
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Protects Against Heart Disease
  • Eliminates Allergies
  • Reduces Arthritis Symptoms
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Protects Skin
  • Protects DNA
  • Eliminates Toxins
  • Kills Cancer Cells

Amazing! Incorporate pomegranate juice into your juicing routine to enjoy all of these benefits an more. Here's a quick video that talks about pomegranates and cancer. Learn exactly why pomegranates kill cancer cells by watching  below.

September 26, 2016

Carrot Juicing for Cancer -- The Amazing Benefits of Carrots

I'ts common for people who are new to juicing to start with carrots. They're relatively inexpensive compared to other vegetables, and they pair well with a variety of other relatively inexpensive fruits and veggies, including celery and apples. Carrots also grow throughout the year and are easy to find, so you can easily incorporate them into your daily juicing routine.

Many people don't know, however, how beneficial carrots are when it comes to repairing and healing the body. These sweet, crunchy vegetables pack a powerful, nutritionally-dense punch, as they are filled with phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other cancer-killing compounds.

Vegetable-juicing pioneer Normal Walker wrote about the amazing benefits of carrots in a few of his books. Listen to this excerpt from his book "Fresh Vegetable an Fruit Juices - What's Missing In Your Body?" which was originally published in 1936 and revised in 1978.

Incorporate Aloe Vera Into Your Cancer Juicing and Healing Regimen

Aloe Vera is truly a miracle plant. I've been drinking just 1/2 cup of it each day for the past two weeks, and I've experienced some amazing benefits, including a dramatic reduction in joint pain, lower blood sugar, no heartburn, increased energy, loss of appetite, flatter stomach, clearer skin, brighter eyes, and even thicker hair. I've taken aloe products before, but I never drank the juice consistently. I'm simply in awe of the benefits I've experienced.

This is a picture of the aloe vera juice I've been drinking. I purchased it at Walmart for $6.44 -- Cheap!

Whenever I experience changes this fast, I go into research mode. It turns out that aloe vera is basically a therapeutic plant and supports overall healing in the body, making it perfect addition to your diet if you're fighting cancer. It's also an immune system booster. Learn more about the benefits of aloe vera and why you should incorporate it into your juicing regimen by watching this video. You'll be amazed!

September 24, 2016

Cancer Cured With Juicing and Vegan Diet

Just a few years ago, it was close to impossible to find testimonials from people who cured cancer using natural methods. Thankfully, times have changed. These types of testimonials are becoming more and more common.

As the world is becoming more health conscious, more people are  turning to alternative treatments for cancer and countless other ailments, and many are experiencing great success. It's important to share this information in order to give people hope. As I find these videos and websites, I'll post them for your review and enjoyment.

Here's a video about a husband and father named Chris who had the courage to reject conventional cancer treatments. He ultimately cured his cancer and is now thriving. Watch and enjoy!

August 8, 2012

Heal From Cancer Video - Charlotte Gerson

Learn exactly what's required in order to heal naturally from cancer. Knowledge is power, and this knowledge can save your life!

When you have about 50 minutes to spare, check out this video below. This video is packed with vital information that will help you.

In this video, she covers many topics and explains exactly how it is possible for you to heal from cancer and other diseases.

 Enjoy...and share this page / video with others!

October 9, 2011

Why You Should Research and Seriously Consider Alternative Cancer Treatments

It's not hard to understand why alternative cancer treatments are becoming more popular. Traditional methods of treatment promoted by the medical community are not only costly and time-consuming, but they usually result in significant side-effects. The cure is often the worst part of this disease....and millions of those who suffer through traditional cancer treatments still don't beat it. Current statistics show that only 3% of patients who receive chemotherapy ever beat cancer.

If you've recently received a diagnosis, you probably have a ton of questions running through your mind.

  • How long do I have to live? 
  • Does the treatment hurt?
  • How much will this treatment change me physically?
  • Is there even a slight chance that I can beat this?

As these and many other questions start running through your mind, your doctor may attempt to comfort you by recommending the traditional methods of treatment that have worked for some. These include surgery, chemo-therapy, and radiation. For most doctors, these are the only methods they know of for treating and possibly curing cancer. By reading the information on this website, you'll quickly learn that this is not the case.  You have other options.

One of the best things you can do at this moment is to stop. Stop, think, and research your options. Before you opt for traditional treatments, you owe it to yourself to study and research alternative cancer treatments. No matter what traditional doctors say, you have time!  The cancer cells did not magically appear in your body.  They were there for some time before you were diagnosed. Therefore, you can take a few weeks or a month to research alternative options before rushing into treatment. Try to find a good resource that covers a multitude of treatments types and not just one or two.

A few natural forms of cancer treatment that have proven successful include:

Cesium Chloride Protocol - This treatment was first discovered in the 1980s. It uses two minerals potassium and cesium. These two minerals are some of the few that can penetrate a cancer cell. These minerals block glucose. Since the cells would normally feed on the glucose they are now left to starve.  The cesium is also reported to ease the pain of cancer.

Diet - This type of treatment is not an easy; however, if you eat like most American's, a radical change is required. Most of our food is filled with preservatives, growth hormones and chemicals, and these items contribute to the accumulation of cancer cells. Also, foods that are high in sugar and fat suppresses the immune system, which causes cancer cells to spread more easily. Not only does drastically changing your diet help your body to shed cancer cells, it also keeps them from returning. There is countless research available which proves that a healthy body and high functioning immune system can fight off many illnesses and diseases, even serious ones like cancer.

Exercise - This is another thing that is ignored too often in our modern society. Most people sit for a long time at their desk everyday and end the day feeling exhausted --without having gotten any real exercise. Exercise is vital to improving your overall health. If you do decide to pursue traditional treatments such as chemotherapy; exercise can still help you reduce the stress and pain that accompanies your treatments.

A healthy diet may need to include supplements if you don't get enough with what you eat. But you must spend some time finding out what you need to eat to combat certain types of cancer.

Meditation and Prayer - Though some may find this silly or archaic; there are many who have dealt with serious illness by changing their mind as well as their body. Enhancing your spirituality will put you in a more positive state mentally, which is critical when it comes to healing the body.

The most important thing you can do for yourself or loved ones afflicted with this disease is research the different types of treatment. There are wide varieties of cancers and various natural treatments that work. There also a variety of resources available that will provide you with specific ways to rid your body of cancer.